Baby symptom checker

Does your baby have tummy troubles, issues with feeding, or won't stop crying? 

Take 10 minutes to complete our Baby Symptom Checker for practical tips and a handy symptom summary to show your Pharmacist, Health Visitor or GP.

Baby holding finger

The Baby Symptom Checker is designed for parents of babies and infants less than 12 months old who are experiencing digestive, feeding or crying-related symptoms. It can offer practical advice and support, but is not a medical diagnosis tool and is not intended to replace professional advice from your Pharmacist, GP or Health Visitor.

Before we start, it's important that you read the list below carefully, to check if your baby is experiencing any of these symptoms that can indicate something more serious or requiring more urgent care.

  • Your doctor/health visitor has expressed concern that your baby has stopped growing/putting on weight
  • Vomiting forcefully or retching
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Abnormal body spasms
  • A fever
  • A change to how your baby feels when you hold them, e.g. they stiffen or go floppy
  • More sleepy than usual, unresponsive, difficult to keep awake or not wanting to feed
  • Blood or yellow liquid in their vomit
  • A significant amount of blood in their poo
  • Sudden swelling or a puffy face, or pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin
  • A rash that doesn't fade if you press it with a glass
  • Underlying medical conditions or is currently being treated for another illness

Does your baby have any of the symptoms listed above?

Your baby


Tell us about your baby

Baby's first name

Name must be between 2 and 20 characters
Why do we need this?

Baby's gender

Please select a value for this field

When was your baby born?

The Baby Symptom Checker is designed for babies less than 12 months old - please speak to your pharmacist, health visitor or GP for further advice.

Birth Date

Please select a valid date of birth
Please select a valid date of birth

Please tell us a bit more about your baby

Has your baby started eating solids?

Please select a value for this field

What kind of milk is your baby having?

Please select a value for this field

Was your baby born before their due date?

Please select a value for this field



What type of issues does your baby have?

Choose all that apply

We need you to select atleast 1 symptom to continue. If Test isn't experiencing any of these symptoms, then please choose the last option "None of these".

Please select any symptoms that your baby is experiencing:

Follow Up


Please tell us more about the symptoms your baby is experiencing

Has your baby had trouble pooing in the past

Please select a value for this field

How long has your baby appeared to be in pain while pooing?

Please select a value for this field

Has your baby had a recent bout of gastroenteritis or a tummy bug?

Please select a value for this field

How long has your baby had excessive wind or flatulence?

Please select a value for this field

How long has your baby had diarrhoea?

Please select a value for this field

How many times a day has your baby been bringing up their feeds?

Please select a value for this field

How long has your baby been bringing up their feeds?

Please select a value for this field

Please tell us more about the symptoms your baby is experiencing

Have you given your baby any medicines for their symptoms?

Medicines tried

Have you given your baby any natural/home remedies for their symptoms?

Natural/home remedies tried

Have you made any changes to your feeding routine?

Changes to feeding routine

Have you given your baby any specialist formula milk, designed for feeding issues?

Specialist formula milk tried:

Please provide details

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us? We know that looking after a poorly baby can be stressful, so use this space to tell us how you're feeling, or to share any other information.

Your answers can help you prepare for the appointment with your doctor. You can print this page and take the print out with you on your next appointment.

Our PDF Symptom Summary is a useful symptom reminder for when you see your GP. Click on one of the buttons below to create your PDF Symptom Summary - you can either download it now, or email it to yourself.

User has 2 options to receive results:

1. Download button to download PDF

2. A button to send them the PDF

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Your baby's future health begins here

At Aptaclub, we believe that experience helps to build resilience; and that each new encounter, whether in pregnancy or after birth, can shape your baby’s future development. With our scientific expertise and one-to-one round the clock support, we can help you and your baby embrace tomorrow.

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