Real reviews from real parents

Day in, day out we strive to make the best products and create the best services and experiences for you and your baby. Your feedback is really important to us, so please leave us a review on Trustpilot below. Alternatively, you can tag us on social media @aptamiluk for the opportunity to have your review shared on our website.

mom holding baby


"Aptamil Follow on Milk has become an important part of my daily routine and I will continue to use it as part of my hectic schedule"

mom and baby on kichen counter


"We trust Aptamil because it's expertly tailored to support my baby's development, it's a staple in our routine"

mom and baby on kichen counter


"As a busy parent, it's a game-changer. No more measuring and mixing – just grab a bottle. "

mom holding baby


"We use Aptamil as part of our combination feeding journey, I feel confident as it has been inspired by 50 years of breastmilk research"

Looking to compare formulas?

It's not easy understanding the differences between formula milk brands, so we've produced a simple comparison sheet comparing Aptamil Advanced and Aptamil ingredients against other formulas here. 
